More Bikes, less Cars

Die verkehrspolitische Herausforderung der nächsten Jahre ist, den Anteil von Autos am Straßenverkehr zugunsten von Fahrrädern zu senken. Was man mit den überflüssigen Autos machen kann? Fahrräder bauen. Geht (fast) alles auf…

Was war noch gleich mit den ganzen “abwrack-prämierten” Karren?

Cars go to the junkyard and we recycle them to create the most efficient, ecological and healthy mean of transportation.

Because we are concerned about where the world is going now, at Lola Madrid we believe it’s always better to do than to say. So before talking about the perfect bike, we decided to create it. Every product we create is based on a consumer insight, that’s also based on an emotion. In this case, the emotion bikers feel when they ride a bike that was made out of wasted cars.

via Nerdcore